
5 Boats Landed Consignments 360 White Fish Boxes 313 Prawn Boxes


Haddock Round – £

Haddock Gutted  -£0.75-£1.50

Whiting Round – £0.80-£1.15

Whiting Gutted – £1.00-£1.50

Cod Large – £2.00-£3.47

Monk Large/Medium/Selected – £4.80-£5.35

Coley Large – £0.90

Coley Medium – £-

Ling – £1.50

Megrims – £3.75

Witches – £1.20-£2.00

Squid Large – £4.65-£6.00

Squid Medium – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.50-£4.00

Plaice – £1.00

Hake – £2.30

Line Mackerel – £

Boats that landed were: Lynden, Pathway, Daystar, Guide Us, Fladda Maid


Boats that consigned were:


14 Boats Landed 3  Consignments 6116  Boxes


Cod Large£2.80-£4.50 Cod Medium£2.60-£3.00 Selected£2.50-£3.00 Small£1.10-£2.50

Haddock Large£2.00-£2.50 Medium£2.00-£2.50 Selected£1.50-£2.20 Seed£1.00-£2.00 Chippers£0.60-£1.30 Metros£0.40-£0.90

Haddock Round – £0.45-£0.70

Whiting – £1.00-£2.60

Whiting Round – £0.80-£1.75

Lemon Sole – £2.50-£7.00

Monks – £4.30-£5.50

Coley – £0.40-£1.40

Megrims – £3.50-£9.00

Plaice – £2.00-£2.40

Hake – £1.30-£2.60

Witches – £1.00-£2.50

Ling – £1.20-£1.45

Squid – £1.75-£8.00

Boats that landed were: Moray Endeavour, Crystal River, Faithful, Lapwing, Budding Rose, Harvest Hope, Falcon, Shalimar, Achieve, Asteria 2, Forever Faithful, Tranquility, Celestial Dawn, Ceol Na Mara


Boats that consigned were: Chloe Ella, Deeside, Ranger


Total by Species


Cod 1232 Monks 165 Haddock 416 Seed 1042 Round Seed 369 Whiting 186 Round Whiting 790 Saithe 661  Megrim 41 Squid 151 Hake  287 Lemons 98 Plaice 365 Witches 52  Ling 83  Others 178


14 Boats Landed 1875 Boxes


Cats – £3.88-£4.20

Cod – £1.63-£3.61

Eel – £

Haddock – £0.78-£2.22

Haddock Round – £0.78-£1.05

Hake – £1.83-£2.80

Halibut – £8.02-£9.74

John Dory – £

Lemon Sole – £3.55-£7.00

Ling – £1.36-£1.44

Lythe – £3.66-£3.87

Mackerel – £0.46-£0.66

Megrim – £2.52-£7.21

Monkfish – £3.21-£5.22

Plaice – £1.61-£2.20

Saithe – £0.60-£1.53

Skate – £0.68-£0.76

Skate (Blue) – £

Skate (Mixed) – £0.26-£0.40

Skate (Spotty) – £0.81-£1.00

Skate (Roker) – £0.01

Squid – £4.75-£5.74

Turbot – £12.64-£12.82

Tusk – £0.86-£1.01

Whiting – £1.91-£3.39

Whiting (Round) – £1.00-£1.26

Witches – £0.92-£3.10

Boats that landed were: Conquest, Daybreak, Anders, Mizpah, Shalimar, Spindrift, Courageous, Arcturus, Copious, Venturous, Restless Wave, Dawn Mist, Venture, Radiant Star