
14 Boats Landed 0 Consignments 1211 White Fish Boxes 1612 Prawn Boxes


Haddock Round – £-

Haddock Gutted -£0.40-£1.40

Whiting Round – £0.38-£1.00

Whiting Gutted – £1.00-£1.25

Cod Large – £1.30-£3.50

Monk Large/Medium/Selected – £3.50-£5.33

Coley Large – £0.75-£0.90

Coley Medium – £-

Ling – £2.00-£2.20

Megrims – £2.50-£4.33

Witches – £0.63-£1.70

Squid Large – £8.60-£11.30

Squid Medium – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.00-£5.00

Plaice – £1.00-£1.50

Hake – £2.00

Line Mackerel – £-

Halibut – £-

Boats that landed were: No boats names provided.


Boats that consigned were: No boats consigned today.



15 Boats Landed 13 Consignments 9811 Boxes


Cod Large£3.00-£4.00 Cod Medium£2.80-£3.30 Selected£2.50-£2.80 Small£1.00-£2.40

Haddock Large£2.25-£2.50 Medium£2.00-£2.50 Selected£1.80-£2.40 Seed£1.40-£2.30 Chippers£1.00-£1.80 Metros£0.50-£1.25

Haddock Round – £0.55-£0.85

Whiting – £1.30-£2.50

Whiting Round – £0.70-£1.15

Lemon Sole – £3.00-£6.60

Monks Large/Medium- £4.00-£5.60

Coley Large – £1.00-£1.50

Coley Medium – £1.00-£1.30

Coley Selected – £0.90-£1.10

Coley Small – £0.60-£1.00

Megrims – £2.30-£5.00

Plaice – £1.45-£2.70

Hake – £2.00-£3.10

Witches – £1.00-£1.60

Ling – £1.60-£2.50

Squid – £2.00-£11.50

Squid Trawled – £-

Squid Extra Small – £-

Boats that landed were: Faithlie, Victory Rose, Our Lass, Phoenix, Helenus, Defiance, Leanne, Steadfast Hope, Fruitful Vine, Karenann, Achieve, Forever Faithful, Shekinah, Castlewood, Attain


Boats that consigned were: Beryl, Rosebloom, Boy John, DFC, Sparkling Star, Just Reward, Moray Endeavour, Amaryha, Deeside, Flourish, Fisher Boys, Radiance, Chloe Ella


Total by Species


Cod 1723 Monks 287 Haddock 912 Seed 1755 Round Seed 690 Whiting 289 Round Whiting 880 Saithe 1190 Megrim 79 Squid 215 Hake 1033 Lemons 52 Plaice 163 Witches 85 Ling 133 Others 325


18 Boats Landed 3110 Boxes


Cats – £2.63-£2.71

Cod – £1.89-£4.01

Dog – £-

Eel – £0.69-£0.78

Haddock – £0.63-£2.70

Haddock Round – £0.58-£0.73

Hake – £1.97-£3.02

Halibut – £8.26-£10.73

John Dory – £6.24

Lemon Sole – £2.52-£5.99

Ling – £2.34-£2.52

Lythe – £4.03-£4.14

Mackerel – £0.74-£0.89

Megrim – £3.02-£6.17

Monkfish – £2.93-£5.46

Plaice – £1.46-£2.42

Saithe – £0.81-£1.54

Skate – £0.62-£0.75

Skate (Blue) – £-

Skate (Mixed) – £0.39-£0.45

Skate (Spotty) – £1.05-£1.16

Skate (Roker) – £1.28-£1.32

Squid – £5.59-£7.64

Turbot – £12.70-£12.86

Tusk – £1.02

Whiting – £1.78-£2.70

Whiting (Round) – £0.64-£1.13

Witches – £1.25-£3.24

Boats that landed were: Arcturus, Tranquility, Sarah Marjory, Defiant, Guardian Angell, Devotion, Sedulous, Leona Jane, Sud Ayre, Honestas, Day Break, Girl Lynne, Mizpah, Alison Kay, Atlantia, Valhalla, Radiant Star, Avrella






Cod – £

Codlings – £

Haddock – £

Plaice – £

Cats – £

Coley – £

Dogs – £

Hake – £

Halibut – £

Irish Haddock – £

Irish Cod – £

Lemon Sole – £

Ling – £

Monkfish – £

Pollock – £

Redfish – £

Roker – £

Squid – £

Skate – £

Turbot – £

Tusk – £

Witches – £

Whiting – £



Boats Landed


Average Prices

Bass – £

Blue Shark – £

Blonde Ray – £

Brill – £

Cod – £

Cuckoo Ray – £

Conger Eels – £

Cuttlefish – £

Dover Sole – £

Grey Mullet – £

Gurnard and Latchet – £

Haddock – £

Hake – £

John Dory – £

Lesser Spotted Dogfish – £

Lemon Sole – £

Ling – £

Mackerel – £

Megrim – £

Monk-Cheeks – £

Monk or Anglers – £

Octopus – £

Plaice – £

Pollack, Lythe – £

Pout Whiting, Pouting, Bib – £

Red Mullet – £

Saithe, Coal Fish – £

Sand Sole – £

Sandy Ray – £

Scallops – £

Sea Breams – £

Small-Eyed Ray – £

Spotted Ray – £

Smoothhound -£

Squid – £

Thornback Ray -£

Tope – £

Turbot – £

Whiting – £

Wings – Blonde – £

Wings – Cuckoo – £

Wings – Shag – £

Witch – £