
13 Boats Landed 2206 Boxes

Cats – £1.81

Cod – £2.63-£4.99

Eel – £0.20-£0.21

Haddock – £1.26-£2.79

Hake – £1.70-£3.73

Halibut – £6.19-£10.24

Lemon Sole – £2.70-£6.65

Ling – £1.41-£1.50

Lythe – £3.85-£4.14

Mackerel – £1.65-£1.72

Megrim – £2.41-£6.15

Monkfish – £2.11-£4.19

Plaice – £1.16-£2.66

Saithe – £1.03-£1.54

Skate – £0.75-£0.86

Skate Mixed – £0.51-£0.65

Skate Spotty – £1.32-£1.40

Squid – £4.28-£6.73

Turbot – £10.42-£10.68

Tusk – £0.79-£0.83

Whiting – £1.76-£3.24

Whiting Round – £1.84-£2.07

Witches – £1.01

Boats that landed were: Mizpah, Shalimar, Resilient, Guardian Angell, Sud Ayre, Golden Shore, Alison Kay, Venturous, Guiding Light, Capella, Aspire, Profilic, Sharyn Louise


432 Boxes

Cod – £3.30-£4.30

Codlings – £0.50-£2.80

Haddock – £0.50-£2.90

Plaice – £1.60

Cats – £1.50

Monkfish – £3.80


36 Vessels

Bass – £13.49

Blonde Ray – £2.85

Brill – £10.12

Claws – £4.10

Cod – £3.53

Conger Eels – £0.60

Crawfish – £10.20

Cuckoo Ray – £1.09

Cuttlefish – £2.78

Dabs – £0.20

Dover Sole – £20.44

Gurnard and Latchet – £3.12

Haddock – £2.51

Hake – £3.85

John Dory – £10.25

Lemon Sole – £5.38

Ling – £1.69

Mackerel – £2.76

Megrim – £2.49

Monk or Anglers – £10.50

Octopus – £2.37

Plaice – £4.21

Pollack, Lythe – £4.01

Red Mullet – £10.77

Saithe, Coal Fish – £2.23

Sand Sole – £4.27

Sandy Ray – £1.38

Scallops – £0.80

Sea Breams – £13.98

Small Eyed-Ray – £1.78

Smoothhound – £1.05

Spotted Ray – £1.30

Squid – £11.21

Thornback Ray – £1.60

Turbot – £11.26

Whiting – £1.79

Wings-Blonde – £4.01

Wings – Cuckoo – £2.13

Wings – Spotted – £2.00

Witch – £1.27