
6 Boats Landed 1190 Boxes

Cod – £2.39-£3.57

Eel – £0.89

Haddock – £1.50-£3.22

Haddock Round – £1.52-£1.81

Hake – £2.16-£5.80

Lemon Sole – £3.37-£7.90

Ling – £0.78-£0.85

Lythe – £3.00-£3.16

Megrim – £2.68-£5.75

Monkfish – £2.61-£4.12

Plaice – £1.20-£2.62

Saithe – £0.91-£1.71

Skate – £0.98-£1.04

Skate Mixed – £0.74

Skate Spotty – £1.28

Squid – £5.65-£6.22

Turbot – £10.34-£10.51

Tusk – £1.00

Whiting – £0.50-£2.79

Whiting Round – £1.39-£1.42

Witches – £0.97-£1.11

Boats that landed were: Venturous, Arcturus, Mizpah, Resilient, Alison Kay, Radiant Star


No fish prices today.


11 Vessels Landed

Bass – £10.00

Blonde Ray – £1.51

Brill – £9.21

Cod – £3.93

Conger Eels – £0.62

Cuckoo Ray – £0.94

Cuttlefish – £2.50

Dover Sole – £12.23

Gurnard and Latchet – £1.35

Haddock – £1.49

Hake – £4.14

John Dory – £6.30

Lemon Sole – £3.96

Ling – £1.58

Mackerel – £5.40

Megrim – £1.68

Monk or Anglers – £8.08

Octopus – £1.87

Plaice – £2.57

Pollack, Lythe – £2.46

Pout Whiting, Pouting, Bib – £0.12

Red Mullet – £7.69

Saithe, Coal Fish – £1.00

Sand Sole – £3.00

Sandy Ray – £1.00

Scallops – £1.44

Shagreen Ray – £1.00

Small Eyed-Ray – £0.48

Spottted Ray – £1.00

Squid – £10.00

Thornback Ray – £1.00

Turbot – £12.76

Whiting – £1.19

Wings-Blonde – £2.20

Witch – £0.88