
6 Boats Landed 0 Consignments 607 White Fish Boxes 843 Prawn Boxes


Haddock Round – £-

Haddock Gutted -£0.63-£2.00

Whiting Round – £0.95

Whiting Gutted – £1.25

Cod Large – £2.00

Monk Large/Medium/Selected – £4.00-£4.60

Coley Large – £2.00

Coley Medium – £-

Ling – £1.50

Megrims – £3.00-£4.50

Witches – £0.95-£1.50

Squid Large – £2.50-£10.85

Squid Medium – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.00-£4.50

Plaice – £1.00

Hake – £1.75

Line Mackerel – £1.88-£2.44

Halibut – £-

Boats that landed were: Uberous, Sapphire, Fear Not, Sardonyx, Zenith, Virtuous


Boats that consigned were: No boats consigned today.



9 Boats Landed 8 Consignments 7261 Boxes


Cod Large£2.50-£3.50 Cod Medium£2.40-£2.80 Selected£2.00-£2.50 Small£0.70-£2.20

Haddock Large£2.40-£2.75 Medium£2.40-£3.00 Selected£2.00-£2.30 Seed£1.60-£2.20 Chippers£1.00-£1.80 Metros£0.60-£1.25

Haddock Round – £-

Whiting – £1.00-£1.80

Whiting Round – £0.65-£1.10

Lemon Sole – £2.50-£7.00

Monks Large/Medium- £3.60-£4.60

Coley Large – £1.20-£1.50

Coley Medium – £1.20-£1.50

Coley Selected – £-

Coley Small – £0.80-£1.10

Megrims – £2.00-£7.50

Plaice – £1.50-£2.40

Hake – £1.40-£2.85

Witches – £1.10-£2.20

Ling – £1.30-£2.45

Squid – £1.50-£12.00

Squid Trawled – £-

Squid Extra Small – £-

Boats that landed were: Norlan, Shalimar, Falcon, Arcturus, Endurance, Ardent, Defiance, Renown, Shekinah


Boats that consigned were: Vision, Aquarius, Deeside, Moray Endeavour, Flourish, DFC, Just Reward, Fish Boys


Total by Species


Cod 1484 Monks 372 Haddock 718 Seed 1450 Round Seed 0 Whiting 357 Round Whiting 307 Saithe 768 Megrim 129 Squid 152 Hake 858 Lemons 46 Plaice 106 Witches 89 Ling 214 Others 211


11 Boats Landed 1872 Boxes


Cats – £2.37-£2.53

Cod – £1.79-£3.12

Dog – £-

Eel – £0.84-£0.96

Haddock – £0.77-£2.20

Haddock Round – £0.72-£0.86

Hake – £1.32-£2.67

Halibut – £7.00-£8.65

John Dory – £-

Lemon Sole – £1.88-£6.54

Ling – £1.79-£1.83

Lythe – £3.63-£3.72

Mackerel – £1.37-£1.40

Megrim – £3.06-£6.52

Monkfish – £1.48-£4.50

Plaice – £1.07-£2.51

Saithe – £0.84-£1.34

Skate – £0.55-£0.58

Skate (Blue) – £-

Skate (Mixed) – £0.10-£0.12

Skate (Spotty) – £-

Skate (Roker) – £0.68-£0.79

Squid – £5.66-£5.85

Turbot – £12.06-£12.07

Tusk – £0.88-£0.99

Whiting – £0.52-£2.49

Whiting (Round) – £0.64-£0.85

Witches – £0.64-£2.62

Boats that landed were: Alison Kay, Resilient, Tranquility, Avrella, Sharyn Louise, Sedulous, Devotion, Dawn Mist, Shalimar, Olivia Rose, Capella




1476 Boxes


Cod – £1.90-£2.50

Codlings – £0.40-£2.30

Haddock – £0.20-£2.40

Plaice – £1.00-£1.50

Cats – £-

Coley – £-

Dogs – £-

Hake – £-

Halibut – £-

Irish Haddock – £-

Irish Cod – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.00-£3.00

Ling – £-

Monkfish – £3.50

Pollock – £2.50

Redfish – £-

Roker – £-

Squid – £-

Skate – £-

Turbot – £-

Tusk – £-

Witches – £-

Whiting – £-


18 Boats Landed


Average Prices

Bass – £12.77

Blue Shark – £-

Blonde Ray – £-

Brill – £8.55

Cod – £3.31

Cuckoo Ray – £0.81

Conger Eels – £0.30

Cuttlefish – £200

Dover Sole – £9.74

Grey Mullet – £2.00

Gurnard and Latchet – £1.05

Haddock – £2.97

Hake – £2.74

John Dory – £7.58

Lesser Spotted Dogfish – £-

Lemon Sole – £4.22

Ling – £2.00

Mackerel – £1.54

Megrim – £3.54

Monk-Cheeks – £-

Monk or Anglers – £9.47

Octopus – £2.90

Plaice – £3.63

Pollack, Lythe – £4.39

Pout Whiting, Pouting, Bib – £-

Red Mullet – £11.51

Saithe, Coal Fish – £-

Sand Sole – £2.00

Sandy Ray – £0.80

Scallops – £2.00

Sea Breams – £-

Small-Eyed Ray – £1.33

Spotted Ray – £1.00

Smoothhound -£-

Squid – £10.09

Thornback Ray -£1.00

Tope – £-

Turbot – £14.62

Whiting – £1.05

Wings – Blonde – £2.45

Wings – Cuckoo – £1.80

Wings – Shag – £-

Wings – Spotted – £2.00

Witch – £1.30