
10 Boats Landed Consignments 723 White Fish Boxes 179 Prawn Boxes


Haddock Round – £0.67-£1.00

Haddock Gutted  -£1.00-£1.80

Whiting Round – £1.10-£1.25

Whiting Gutted – £1.70-£1.80

Cod Large – £1.180-£3.30

Monk Large/Medium/Selected – £3.00-£4.70

Coley Large – £1.00-£1.40

Coley Medium – £-

Ling – £2.50-£3.00

Megrims – £2.60-£3.50

Witches – £1.00-£1.90

Squid Large – £4.00-£6.50

Squid Medium – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.00-£4.00

Plaice – £1.25-£1.50

Hake – £2.80-£2.85

Line Mackerel – £

Boats that landed were: Artemis, Shamariah, Sapphire, Achieve, Rebecca, Pleiades, Sardonyx, Sunrise, Serenity, Atlas


Boats that consigned were:


8 Boats Landed 3  Consignments 6805  Boxes


Cod Large£2.70-£3.70 Cod Medium£2.40-£2.70 Selected£1.75-£2.40 Small£1.50-£2.00

Haddock Large£1.80-£2.25 Medium£1.80-£2.25 Selected£1.80-£2.25 Seed£1.70-£2.10 Chippers£1.25-£21.75 Metros£0.80-£1.25

Haddock Round – £0.90-£1.00

Whiting – £1.50-£2.25

Whiting Round – £1.00-£1.75

Lemon Sole – £3.00-£8.50

Monks – £3.25-£5.00

Coley – £0.70-£1.60

Megrims – £3.00-£7.30

Plaice – £2.20-£3.75

Hake – £1.70-£3.85

Witches – £1.00-£1.55

Ling – £1.40-£3.00

Squid – £3.50-£6.80

Boats that landed were: Ardent, Arcturus, Crystal River, Faithful, Harvest Hope, Castlewood, Attain, Endurance


Boats that consigned were: Ellorah, Ranger, Just Reward


Total by Species


Cod 1808 Monks 25 Haddock 285  Seed 933 Round Seed 1016  Whiting 162 Round Whiting  559 Saithe 1243  Megrim 25 Squid 113 Hake 240  Lemons 36 Plaice 80 Witches 15  Ling 50   Others 215



6 Boats Landed 1035 Boxes


Cats – £

Cod – £1.62-£3.12

Eel – £

Haddock – £1.60-£2.39

Haddock Round – £1.38-£1.52

Hake – £1.99-£3.16

Halibut – £6.74-£11.46

John Dory – £

Lemon Sole – £4.91-£8.24

Ling – £2.18-£2.19

Lythe – £

Mackerel – £

Megrim – £3.66-£6.93

Monkfish – £2.84-£4.74

Plaice – £1.78-£2.79

Saithe – £0.84-£1.88

Skate – £1.04-£1.06

Skate (Blue) – £

Skate (Mixed) – £

Skate (Spotty) – £1.47-£1.48

Skate (Roker) – £

Squid – £5.38-£5.60

Turbot – £10.01-£10.73

Tusk – £

Whiting – £1.72-£2.08

Whiting (Round) – £1.03-£1.40

Witches – £0.67-£0.78

Boats that landed were: Venture, Avrella, Valhalla, Resilient, Radiant Star, Guiding Light



281 Boxes


Cod – £0.60-£3.00

Haddock – £0.80-=£2.30

Plaice – £

Cats – £

Coley – £

Dogs – £

Halibut – £

Lemon Sole – £4.00

Ling – £

Monkfish – £3.50

Pollock – £

Redfish – £1.70

Squid – £

Skate – £

Witches – £

Whiting – £
