

Boats that landed were: Enterprise, Mizpah, Laebrak, Guardian Angell, Girl Lynne, Sedulous, Onward, Sud Ayre, Daybreak, Profilic, Sadie Joan, Dawn Mist, Osprey, Opportune, Guiding Light, Copious


1475 Boxes

Cod – £2.80-£5.50

Codlings – £2.50-£3.00

Haddock – £0.80-£4.50

Cats – £1.60

Coley – £1.00

Lemon Sole – £1.50-£3.00

Monkfish – £3.00-£3.50


19 Vessels

Brill – £9.65

Cod – £6.45

Cuckoo Ray – £1.14

Dover Sole – £15.91

Grey Mullet – £4.00

Gurnard and Latchet – £1.85

Haddock – £5.48

Hake – £2.88

Horse Mackerel – £0.25

John Dory – £10.32

Lemon Sole – £6.06

Ling – £2.44

Mackerel  – £1.29

Megrim – £1.47

Monk or Anglers – £9.48

Octopus – £2.01

Pilchard/Sardines – £0.74

Plaice – £3.56

Pollack, Lythe – £5.00

Saithe, Coal Fish – £1.73

Scallops – £2.26

Shagreen Ray – £1.99

Small Eyed-Ray – £1.60

Spotted Ray – £1.12

Spurdog – £2.62

Tope – £0.60

Turbot – £16.79

Whiting – £2.25

Wings-Cuckoo – £1.50

Witch – £0.85