
13 Boats Landed 1 Consignments 1030 White Fish Boxes 1643 Prawn Boxes


Haddock Round – £0.71

Haddock Gutted  -£0.67-£2.00

Whiting Round – £0.65-£0.75

Whiting Gutted – £1.25

Cod Large – £1.75

Monk Large/Medium/Selected – £3.75-£4.00

Coley Large – £0.77-£1.00

Coley Medium – £-

Ling – £1.33-£1.65

Megrims – £2.00-£4.00

Witches – £0.75-£1.75

Squid Large – £10.00

Squid Medium – £-

Lemon Sole – £2.00-£6.00

Plaice – £1.00-£1.10

Hake – £2.00

Line Mackerel – £0.62-£2.60

Boats that landed were: Bunillidh, Serenity, Rebecca, Sapphire, Just Reward, Ocean Visiion, Sardonyx, Mia Jane, Amethyst, Jacqueline Anne, Daystar, Excel, Resolution


Boats that consigned were: Reliance


8 Boats Landed 5 Consignments 5982  Boxes


Cod Large£2.20-£3.00 Cod Medium£2.20-£2.60 Selected£2.00-£2.40 Small£0.80-£2.25

Haddock Large£2.70-£3.30 Medium£2.50-£2.80 Selected£3.00-£3.20 Seed£2.60-£3.10 Chippers£1.80-£2.30 Metros£0.80-£1.35

Haddock Round – £0.60-£0.80

Whiting – £0.75-£1.50

Whiting Round – £0.75-£1.10

Lemon Sole – £2.50-£7.00

Monks – £3.25-£4.00

Coley – £0.80-£1.50

Megrims – £1.20-£6.50

Plaice – £1.50-£2.00

Hake – £2.00-£2.85

Witches – £1.20-£2.10

Ling – £1.10-£1.50

Squid – £5.70-£10.75

Boats that landed were: Jubilee Quest, Summer Dawn II, Reul na Mara, Ceol na Mara, Boy John, Rosebloom, Castlewood, Shalanna, Attain

Boats that consigned were: Enterprise, Aalskere, Harvest Hope, Ocean Endeavour, Deeside


Total by Species


Cod 1922 Monks 196 Haddock 551 Seed 444 Round Seed 200 Whiting 93 Round Whiting 155 Saithe 405  Megrim 90 Squid 421 Hake 1259 Lemons 28 Plaice 66 Witches 28  Ling 554  Others 354


2988 Boxes


Cod – £2.10-£2.80

Haddock – £1.50-£2.40

Plaice – £

Cats – £1.20-£1.40

Coley – £

Dogs – £

Halibut – £

Lemon Sole – £3.00

Ling – £

Monkfish – £3.50

Pollock – £2.50

Redfish – £1.20-£1.60

Squid – £

Skate – £

Witches – £

Whiting – £
